A meylah.com initiative
Creating New Jobs and Economic Prosperity
A City by City Digital Equity and Readiness Initiative for small businesses.
SBA Offered Trainings
In collaboration with SBA, the Ignite Washington team will step up to deliver free in-person workshops focused on Increasing Online Sales for small businesses. Here are the 3 dates:
March 26, 9AM-10AM
June 25, 9AM-10AM
September 24, 9AM-10AM
More Info, connect to SBA Calendar
Ignite Washington Digital Readiness Event
In collaboration with Rainier Chamber, Prudential and SEED, digital readiness event for small business is planned for Mid May. Stay tuned by subscribing to updates related to this event.
Digital Hacks for Business Productivity at Microsoft Store (Bellevue)
In collaboration with Microsoft Bellevue Store, Ignite Washington & GT Consult will offer connect and learn session to increase business productivity tricks. Here are the 3 dates:
February 18, 6:30PM : How to Harness the Power of Office 365 Within Your Business by GT Consult
March 11, 6:30 PM
April 8, 6:30 PM
More Info, connect to IgniteWA Calendar
Shoplocalwa.com Introductory Trainings
In Collaboration with iHeart Radio, Ignite Washington will be doing introductory training related to ShopLocal Co-Op eCommerce Advertising Program for Small Business Owners to increase customer acquisition. Dates will be announced soon.